Anyway, mustering the willpower to go to the gym is tough enough, they had to go and do this?

Upon leaving Fitness First by foot, you will have to pass through that little alleyway flanked by two entrances. Walking past them yesterday, I could not help but take in the "comehither aromas" wafting from both establishments. The irresistable smell of grilled, juicy cheeseburgers, and sumptuous fries along with delectable McChicken patties dancing with the sensory tingle that only freshly baked Krispy Kreme classic doughnuts can give.
Of course, you can take your car instead. However, they were thoughtful enough to provide us with Drive Through window counters. On each side.
A veritable gauntlet for anyone who had just come off a grueling hour or so at the treadmill and weights machines.
I am proud to say I resisted their calls. Only to go home, plop in front of my TV set to watch the PBA games while devouring half a can of Spam and fried rice.