One of the more popular sayings I keep hearing nowadays goes like this:
"They say 30 is the new 20."
Popular, if you're 29 (like me) or if you're in your 30's.
But then, no one is saying that 40 is the new 30.
One day you're the new 29, the next you're checking a whole new box in one of those age group demographic surveys in magazines.

That, for me, was one of the surest signs of aging. After years of checking the 18-25 box, I found myself checking the 26 to 35 box. I was like: "Holy Crap! I'm in another age group now."
Kinda sucks doesn't it? (Well, not if you're 35, I imagine)
I'm just about over my quarter life crisis, which started after my adolescent crisis phase.
(I'd call it my awkward phase but after 20 years of awkwardness, It's probably safe to say that it's NOT a phase...)
Quarter life crisis. How convenient of them to invent something that could tide me over till my midlife crisis..
Except... you don't usually get to have a midlife crisis until your late 30s. So there's a gap. A crisis-less span of time which the angst ridden spawn of Eddie Vedder, Alannis and Kurt Cobain have no artificially induced pain to cling to.
Until some brilliant sociologist, or socialite, just declares "30 is the new 20" giving us another set of quarter life crisis years.
(To be fair, they considered inventing a "3/8ths life crisis" but the math was just over their heads.)